Buccal pad of fat is also known as pad of Bichat. It is associated with sucking in infants and hence it gives prominent chubby cheek appearance in infants. It is also prominent in some adults giving the round shape to the face. Hence it can be removed to give the elongated appearance of the face…
Various Types and New Approaches for the Breast Augmentation
Breast augmentation is a commonly done aesthetic plastic surgical procedure. There are various types of augmentation mainly augmentation with silastic implant or with fat graft. I have been doing augmentation with silastic implant for the past 35 years and with the fat graft for the past 15 years. Implant Placement may be sub glandular, sub…
Breast Surgery in Chennai
Natural size and shape of the normal breast Beauty is mainly in the eyes of the beholder. The cosmetic surgeon who is the creator of the beauty should have good aesthetic sense and aesthetic judgement. Then only he can do the beautification surgery. Even though the patients have variable perception of beauty regarding anthropometric proportion…
Abdominoplasty with Anatomical Repair of Rectus Abdominis MUSCLE
Introduction:- Abdominoplasty is a very common procedure in Aesthetic Surgery. There are many methods of abdominoplasty which may depend upon individual patient condition like, Mini abdominoplasty, Total abdominoplasty with umbilicus reposition, Small scar abdominoplasty with help of Endoscope, Abdominoplasty with rectus sheath tightening and sometimes abdominoplasty with rectus MUSCLE reconstruction. In case of very large…
Advice to post pregnant women
Mommy Makeover How to get back youthful appearance of pre pregnancy status. It is quite natural that every woman after pregnancy will develop some physiological changes in their body structure, namely: Sagging breasts either with or without decrease in size of the gland. Sagging and protuberant abdomen with stretch marks or caesarean scar. Excess fat…
Hair Transplants are not just for the scalp. Body Hair and Scalp Hair can be used to correct facial hair also. Corrections such as Eyebrow Re-structuring, Beard Shaping, Scar filling are common. The surgery takes minimal time (According to the area) and leaves no visible scars. EYEBROW HAIR TRANSPLANT Eyebrows shape the face and can…
Sagging of the breast (pendulous breast)
Occurs in aging, post pregnancy and weight loss, where there is loss of elasticity of the breast skin and some amount of breast atrophy. This can be corrected by means of breast surgery for uplifting the breast with or without implant. Alternatively fat also can inject to increase the size of the breast. Now the…
Laser Treatment
You can enhance your appearance with laser treatments. A laser is a high energy beam of light that can selectively transfer its energy into target tissue to treat the skin. The following laser treatment procedures are available in our clinic. Hair Reduction (Hair Removal) Unwanted facial and body hair can be removed. No more painful…
Liposuction Surgery
A quick, safe and effective way to remove unwanted fat, liposuction remove fat from the body by using a tubular, probe connected to a suction machine or syringe. Fat collected on the hips, thighs, buttocks, abdomen, arms, under the chin and upper torso can be reduced by this procedure. Liposuction (Fat Reduction Surgery) is neither…
Scar Revision surgery
When the skin continuity is broken by a cut, by surgery, or by injury, the body forms scar tissue to unite the cut ends. The amount of the scar could vary due to various factors like the person’s age, heredity, race skin characteristics and the direction, depth, size and location of the wound. Basic Healing…